POSTED UNDER Bath, Blessing, Luck, AND MORE

Spring Creativity Spell

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Peony
Color of the day: Ivory
Incense of the day: Peony

Water has been used in sacred rites since the ancient times. Water symbolizes all potential, and to immerse oneself in water is to gain strength from a vast source of potential. April 17 is the feast day of the Himalayan rain god Machendrana. Today, Poles celebrate Drenching Day and Hungarians celebrate Water Plunge Monday. In a vessel of holy water, add one teaspoon lavender flowers, five tablespoons of orange zest, one teaspoon rosemary, and one teaspoon of dried geranium flowers. Steep this mixture overnight. Add this to a sacred bath, visualizing yourself partaking in a vast source of possibility. It is very lucky if it rains today. By all means, walk outdoors and feel each raindrop as a blessing.
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