Ice Shrink Spell

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Dill
Color of the day: Purple
Incense of the day: Dill

Today, look outside at the fairyland of ice and snow. Sunlight glitters in the crystal teeth hanging from the eaves. White waves hang motionless, frozen in the moment of cresting. Frost-feathers decorate the windows. In winter, ice fairies are everywhere, but as the weather warms they disappear. You can give them a place to spend the summer by making an ice shrine. You will need a plain mirror, at least twelve inches across, for the base, and an assortment of quartz crystals, glass lozenges, and other sparklies. Place the mirror shiny side up, and arrange the other items on it as a wintry wonderland. Invite ice fairies to move in with this verse:

When spring comes, never fear.
Ice and snow will stay right here.
Jack Frost's kin have their home
In this shrine of glass and chrome.

Keep the shrine in a safe place through the year.
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