POSTED UNDER Earth, Protection, Sun, AND MORE

Smooring Ritual

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Coriander
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Coriander

In ancient times, the hearth-fire was rarely allowed to go out, especially in winter. When the fire had burned down to an ember, it was carefully preserved under a blanket of ashes. In Scotland, this was called "smooring," and it was done in a ritualistic way. The embers were arranged in a circle divided into three parts, with an ember in the middle known as Tula nan Tri (Hearth of the Three). You can perform this fire magic with three candles, with a fourth in the center symbolizing what you wish to preserve and encourage in the season to come. Close your eyes and pass your hand over the candles, saying:

I am smooring the fire
As Bridget would smoor.
The gods' protection
Be upon the flame.
I will build this power
As I build the hearth
At the dawn of the red sun of day.
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