POSTED UNDER Blessing, Relationships, Sun

Hope for Freedom Spell

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Color of the day: Black
Incense of the day: Lavender

As we end another year, it is good to recognize the great blessing of freedom. If there are bonds tying you down-such as debt, addictions, or unwanted relationships-create a list that marks out a strategy that leads toward freedom. Wear white today-it is the color of spirituality strength. For dinner, cook your favorite food using fire in the over or on the stove-fire is a symbol of freedom. As the fire is gaining heat for cooking, and as the Sun begins to set, burn old unnecessary papers. Set yourself free from the past. Later, when you go to bed, slip a High John the Conqueror root into your pillowcase. High John is the herb of freedom. Sleep with High John and dream of your life of freedom.
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