POSTED UNDER Love, Relationships

Love Maintenance Spell

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Parsley
Color of the day: Coral
Incense of the day: Parsley

Ruled by Venus, Friday oversees matters of love and relationships. This includes long-term ones, as well as new flings. Take some time today to nurture yours. First find two pictures-one of yourself and one of a person you love. You also need a red candle, a red apple, and a paring knife. Put the two photos on the altar, and light the candle. Carefully cut the peel off the apple in one piece. Lay the peel around the pictures in the shape of a heart, and say:

As the apple unto the tree,
My heart to you,
your heart to me.

Meditate on the love you share for as long as it takes you to eat the apple. Let the candle burn down on its own. When the spell is complete, take the peel and core outside for the birds, who are sacred to Venus.
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