Durga Puja

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Maple
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Maple

Around this time of year in India is celebrated the goddess festival called Diwali. An important part of this sacred time is a Durga Puja, or worship service in honor of Durga the Demon-Slayer. She is portrayed as a beautiful woman wearing red clothing and sometimes armor, and riding a lion or tiger. She is an aspect of both Parvati and Kali, and combines traits of both. Let Durga know you want her help with difficult situations by creating an altar for her. Offer red flowers, candy, and nuts. Find an image of Durga to place on the altar, or wear a pendant featuring her image. (These can be found in Hindu shops and many New Age shops.) Greet Durga with the following:

Great Mother Durga, Devi, Parvati, Kali,
Divine guardian, Defender, lover,
Bring peace and protection to this home.
I honor you this day, your feast day.

Stick with vegetarian food today and eat Indian cuisine if possible. Find out more about this splendid goddess, the patroness of Bengal, on the worldwide web.
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