POSTED UNDER Home, Love, Protection, AND MORE

Midweek Protection Spell

Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Geranium
Color of the day: Turquoise
Incense of the day: Geranium

For some protection from midweek demons and other such trials, gather together a pinch of cumin and of salt today. Run your fingers through the herbs, thus allowing your energies to attune to each other. Say:

Spirits of salt and cumin, I invite you to this place. I honor you and ask that you bless my spell with your protective energies.

In a glass bowl, combine the herbs with some warm water. Hold the bowl in your left hand, and hold your right hand open over the water, as you say:

I ask the God and Goddess to bless this mixture. Guard us and guide us with love.

Visualize nurturing, protective energy filling the bowl. Anoint yourself at each chakra point with the liquid. Feel divine loving protection permeate your being. Anoint any others who share your home -including pets. Take the remaining liquid, and sprinkle it at each opening to your home.
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