Wish on a Star Spell

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Thyme
Color of the day: Pink
Incense of the day: Thyme

Tonight is the peak of the Perseid meteor showers and it is also the Feast of the Lights of Isis. If you've ever thought about wishing on a star, tonight is definitely the night. Begin with an honoring of Isis. Light two candles for her-one pale gold and one sky-blue. Thank her for her gifts, and ask for her continued blessings on all of us. Ask that this great mistress of magic bless your wishing spells tonight. Take some time to clarify your wishes. Ask yourself if each dream and goal serves the highest good and contributes in some way to the betterment of all. Go outside around midnight, and bask in the glory of the night. Feel the presence of Isis as you open to the magic of starlight. With each meteor you see, visualize one wish manifesting with brilliance and beauty.
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