Mother’s Day Beauty in the New Moon

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Basil
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Basil

Taurus, in the body, rules the neck and Taurus' ruler, Venus, rules beauty, so today is perfect for beginning new beauty rituals for the hair, face, and neck. Think in terms of healthy skin and hair today, and the beauty will follow. Use an herbal hair rinse, steeping dry or fresh herbs, and then using the "tea" as a rinse after shampooing. Rosemary is good if you have brown hair; chamomile if blonde; juniper if you have gray hair, and hibiscus if you have red.

Rose is Venus' scent. Have someone give you a neck massage with rose-scented oil; wear rose perfume today and buy some rose water and glycerin hand lotion. Ask a beauty expert at a department store for the best skin care for your particular complexion. Get a free make-up demonstration while you're there. Keep using rose-scented products whenever possible and Venus will smile on you, increasing your beauty and positive outlook. Over the next lunar month, expect compliments!
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