POSTED UNDER Equinox, Healing, Moon, AND MORE

Alder Moon Spell

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Dill
Color of the day: Coral
Incense of the day: Dill

Alder is the tree of wholeness; it is tough, resilient, and healing. This Moon appears a few days before the Spring Equinox, a time when day and night are nearly equal. This is the day to treat your mind, body, and spirit. Lavender coordinates well with the Spring Equinox. Hoodoos believe lavender is a neutral, balanced plant, suitable for all relationships-heterosexual, gay, lesbian, and transgendered. It is also medicinally balancing, as it can stimulate or calm as needed. Sip lavender bud tea today to attract positive spirits and alleviate negativity. Dab pulse points with lavender essential oil. Lavender essential oil attracts good spirits, has a positive effect on your mood, and is antibacterial. At midnight, bring lavender, a charcoal block, some matches, and a flat large stone outside. Sit down on the ground in a clear space. Set the stone in the moon-light. Light the charcoal, and set it on the stone. Add a few pinches lavender at a time. Lavender incense is calming and very fragrant.
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