Inner Sun Spell

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Ginger
Color of the day: Pink
Incense of the day: Ginger

In honor of today's Feast of the Egyptian Sun god, Ra, try this inner Sun spell. Count down from ten to one, breathing deeply as you do. Visualize a golden star, or a small Sun, glowing in the center of your body. See and feel this golden star expand and grow brighter. Its radiance extends out beyond your body in a protective egg of light. Say to yourself that this inner Sun will keep you safe and healthy, and that you may use it in any way you choose. Whenever you need help in making a decision, all you need to do is look to your inner Sun. It will give you all the answers you need by glowing brighter or dimmer. Fully experience this inner Sun before you count back up from one to ten.
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