Your Lucky Day Spell

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Color of the day: Indigo
Incense of the day: Lavender

Who couldn't use a little luck every now and then? Whether you want general "all around" luck,
or luck in a particular area of your life, this spell will allow luck to manifest in your presence. Light a green candle and any other candleto represent how you want luck to manifest (your career might be
represented by a gold candle, and your relationship by a red one). Crumple an oak leaf, and combine
it with another herb associated with the area of life where you want luck to manifest. Place the leaf and herb on a charcoal block. Place an acorn on your altar. Focus your intent, and transfer it to the acorn. Take a moment to visualize the idea that opportunities have presented themselves and that you are taking full advantage of them. Say these words:

Energies of good fortune yield my way.
Doors of opportunity are opening today.

Pass the acorn through the aura of the flame, and through the smoke of the herbs. Meditate on any universal messages that are being presented to you. Luck does occasionally appear blatantly as "found cash," but generally luck presents itself as a less obvious, "one time" opportunity. So be alert for your lucky breaks.
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