Craft Ancestors Devotion

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Neroli
Color of the day: Topaz
Incense of the day: Neroli

The precarious freedom that we have to practice our spirituality has been earned by the sweat and the blood of those who have walked this path before us. At this time of the year, we generally honor the ancestors of our blood. This working will focus on honoring the ancestors of our soul-those who blazed the path of witchcraft. Select an object that represents your connection to the elders of the craft. Light both a red and a black candle, and say:

Across the veil, your torch burns bright,
goddesses shining through darkest night.
Honored ancestors of my soul and heart,
tell me the wisdom of your art.
In privilege, I walk the path you made.
As you pass the torch,
I tend its flame.

Meditate on the lives of those who have gone before. Honor the object that represents your craft ancestor.
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