Ancestor Day Ceremony

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Maple
Color of the day: Topaz
Incense of the day: Maple

When one thinks of honoring the ancestors, Samhain and the Days of the Dead are what most often come to mind. However, the veil is also thin at this time-at the opposite spoke of the wheel of the year. That is, many places celebrate Memorial Day at the end of May. And in fact, this is a perfect time
to create an Ancestor Day. Further, as Wednesday is good for psychic connection, today is a perfect day for an Ancestor Day ceremony. Cover a table with a purple cloth. Arrange several purple and white candles. Burn a combination of mugwort and sandalwood. Arrange on your altar pictures of your ancestors or items that were handed down to you over the years. Make offerings of favorite food and drink. Meditate at the altar. Communicate with your ancestors. Engage them in conversation. Thank them for the assistance they have given you over the years. And ask them if there is anything that you can do for them. Think of today as a spiritual family reunion. Let the good memories take precedence,
and find ways of mutual forgiveness for situations that were hurtful. Cele-brate your positive connections to your roots. Use the foundation of family as a starting point for positive changes you wish to make in your life.
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