POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Moon, AND MORE

Gaulish Wine Wish Spell

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Thyme
Color of the day: Purple
Incense of the day: Thyme

Sucellos, or "Good Striker," and Nantosuelta, or "Stream," are the Celtic god and goddess of agriculture. The Gaulish Celts believed it was the Sun god Sucellos who struck the earth with his hammer, thus breaking up the soil for planting. His mate, Nantosuelta, provided water for the crops. Tenders of vineyards especially revered these two deities. To ask for their blessings on a good year for wine, take a glass of French wine and a glass of water outside. Pour each onto the soil, repeating the deities' names and then saying:

Make us rich in earth and water,
Sun and Moon,
rain and heat.
Make us rich in grapes and grain.
Strike the earth,
flow the stream!

Now watch food and wine magazines for their predictions of a great year for wine.
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