POSTED UNDER Job, Protection, Rain, AND MORE

Dream Job Spell

Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood
Color of the day: Turquoise
Incense of the day: Sandalwood

May 13 is the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima. She can be petitioned for protection, for help with adversarial relationships, and for release from bondage. When you are in the wrong job, for instance, this is a bondage situation. You are afraid to leave because you are shackled by your need to make a
living. However, by remaining in the bad situation, you are drained of everything you need to sustain and nurture the rest of your life. Every day you stay in a negative work environment you lose a piece of
yourself. Trust me on this-I know whereof I speak. Thankfully, today is the day to ask Our Lady of Fatima to intervene for help to get yourself back to the path to your dream job. Dress a white candle with uncrossing oil. Ask Our Lady of Fatima to guide you toward the best possible work situation, which will then release you from your current situation. After all, you'd like a bit of an overlap as financial protection. Then, visualize your dream job. Daydream as though you already have the job. Break down the job search into small steps. Do you need to take classes to gain new skills? Where can you network and meet people in the profession that interests you? Is there a volunteer or part-time position in the organization that will help you make this transition? Ask the Lady for her guidance, listen to her response, and then take action to craft the life you've dreamed about.
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