POSTED UNDER Charm, Garden, Healing, AND MORE

Using Bay for Protection Spell

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Gardenia
Color of the day: Red
Incense of the day: Gardenia

The bay laurel leaf, associated with the element of fire, has long been cherished by Witches as
a symbol for consecration, protection, and healing. Kitchen Witches use it whole to season stews, soups, and sauces with prosperity, love, and protection. Note that bay leaves should be removed from the dish before serving; if ingested whole, they cause indigestion. Bay may also be used
as an herbal element of protection in dream sachets and medicine bags. Hang a bay laurel wreath in your kitchen or near your back door. Write a protection charm on a large bay leaf, and tuck it beneath your mattress or into your wallet. Evoke the power of bay by saying:

May the fire of bay
protect me by love,
not by fear.
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