A Simple Meditation

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Lavender

If possible on this day, burn some pure sandalwood incense. This is the best incense for meditation. As your incense smolders, focus on the smoke's rising and billowing movements. After several moments, close your eyes, but do not let your mind wander. If it does, gently return your thoughts to the incense. Inhale the fragrance. Breathe deeply, and clear your mind. To aid meditation, play music or the sounds of water if you like. Being near actual running water is desired, even if you have to use an indoor fountain. Concentrate on the sounds only; nothing else exists or matters. Try this for five minutes each day, gradually increasing the time until you can sit for thirty minutes or an hour.
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