Protection Spell Against Theft

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Musk
Color of the day: Maroon
Incense of the day: Musk

Now that the crocuses begin to carpet lawns with their color, it is a good time for a spell to protect against theft. Ancient magicians burned crocus petals, hoping the smoke would reveal the face of thieves. To protect your home against a thief, in a small dish combine the flowers of three crocus flowers, a teaspoon of dried basil, and a generous dash of black pepper. Sprinkle this mixture outside your home, moving around the building in a clockwise direction. Repeat this charm three times as you go:

Crocus for protection, Basil to purify,
Pepper to sting.
Let no thief penetrate this ring.

Repeat this fair charm again in one year.
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