POSTED UNDER Home, Moon, Sun

Sunday Hedonism Spell

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Sage
Color of the day: Amber
Incense of the day: Sage

It is Sunday, and the Moon is in hedonistic Sagittarius. Take advantage of this energy by clearing
at least part of your day so you can do only what brings you pleasure. Buy yourself flowers; drink your favorite beverages, and eat your favorite foods. Take a walk into a wilderness area, and fully experience the natural world. Be aware of what the world is like in January, and feel grateful you can be part of it. Return home and have a warm drink. Put on your comfy clothes, and watch your favorite movie. Remind yourself periodically that you deserve this!
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About Kristin Madden
Kristin Madden is an author and mother, as well as an environmental chemist and wildlife rehabilitator. She is the Director of Ardantane's School of Shamanic Studies. A Druid and tutor in the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, Kristin is also a member of the Druid College of Healing and is on the ...
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