POSTED UNDER Healing, Wind

Scorpio Meditation with Persephone

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Neroli

Cast a protective circle, and light candles of blue, violet, and black. Close your eyes and relax your body into the gentle rhythm of your breath. Invite Persephone to guide you into the depths of your own underworld. Visualize her holding your hand as you wind your way down through dark ancient passageways. As images arise, keep breathing. These energies exist in your own shadow self, wherein reside aspects of your rejected identity-projected fears, attachments, addictions, and so on. Ask Persephone to help you heal that which needs healing. Be proactive in your meditation; visualize it happening. When you are ready to resurface, thank Persephone for her guidance, and slowly bring yourself back to consciousness.

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