POSTED UNDER Charm, Luck, Prosperity, AND MORE

Salt Spilling Rituals

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang

Folklore says much about salt. It brings luck, prosperity, and protection in many cultures around the world. People warn against borrowing it, as it means borrowing trouble; or lending it, which means giving away one's luck-quite a contradictory bit of advice. Far more elaborate are the warnings and rituals involved in dealing with the spilling of salt, and what to do in such a case. Given the many uses of this element in spells, however, I find that in a magical household, the spilling of salt most often signifies nothing more dire than a hint to strengthen the wards protecting the place. If you happen to spill salt, don't worry; just speak a charm such as this:

Spill salt, spill luck!
Sprinkle a bit around the room,
And that will lift the coming gloom.

Then suit actions to words, visualizing a bright shield over all.

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