Find Romance Spell

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Gardenia

Leo is associated with playfulness and flirting, and also with romance. Leo New Moons are therefore a good time to open yourself to love and new romantic connections. Or, if you are already with a partner, this is a good time to rekindle the love that is already there. To prepare for this spell, you will need some essential oils of jasmine and rose, as well as a piece of red clothing such as a shirt or a scarf. To begin, simply take a bath and place a few drops of each essence in the tub with you. As you bathe and cleanse yourself, say these words several times while you stir the bath.
Stir in jasmine
Stir in rose,
I cleanse myself from head to toe.
Bring me love
And bring me heat;
Passion, romance come to me.
Once you have finished bathing, put on your clothes and wear something red when you go out-the scarf or shirt. You don't need to overdo it, just a bit of red will do. Then, try going out dancing or go to a party where you don't know many people. Be open to possibilities. Or, if you are already with a partner, go out on a fun date such as dinner at a new and fancy restaurant. See what kind of magic can happen.

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