POSTED UNDER Solstice, Summer, Sun

Sun in Your Heart Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Sage

This is the third Sunday after the Summer Solstice. It is a perfect day to welcome the Sun into your heart. Start by getting up before sunrise, which will be at about 4:30 am in New York and at 4:45 am in California (check your local newspaper for your local sunrise time). Find a comfortable seat that faces east, and sit and watch the horizon until the Sun emerges. Let go of all superfluous thoughts, just watch and contemplate. As the Sun comes into full view, close your eyes and visualize the red circle of light within yourself. Now let it descend into the center of your chest. Your chest will tend to puff out now that the Sun is inside-do not be concerned. Watch as the Sun changes from a red circle to a ball of white light. This will echo the external light that is now filtering through your eyelids. As it does this, contemplate this thought:

All evil vanishes from life for those who keep the Sun in their heart. Hold this thought for four or five minutes. At times during the day return to the thought and to the Sun that is in your heart. Let it linger, and repeat the sentence.

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