Increase Security and Serenity Spell

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Cinnamon

Sometimes even our own home can feel unsafe to us. Perhaps we've been robbed, or maybe there is simple disharmony within the house due to personality conflicts. A Cancer New Moon is a good time to bring safety and security to a home setting. To prepare for this, gather an ounce each of willow bark and lemon balm at an herb or natural foods store. Also gather a few tiny moonstones from a gem store, a few small pieces of blue cloth, and a few pieces of string to wrap up the cloth. To begin your spellwork, on the night of the actual New Moon in Cancer, place a small bit of the herbs and a moonstone in a piece of cloth, and wrap the bundle up with string. Then make additional bundles so that you have enough for each door of your house that leads to the outside. In the evening, tie the small bundle to the door handles on the inside of the house. As you do so speak these words:

I tie the bundles to the door. No harm will come here any more.

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