POSTED UNDER Friends, Midsummer, Peace, AND MORE

Sweet Dreams Spell

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Thyme

Now that Midsummer has passed, it is the perfect time to gather fresh herbs and rose petals for creating a dream sachet. To enhance peaceful dreams, make a blend of equal parts rose petals, lavender flowers, mugwort, rosemary, and lemon balm. Store the mixture in a sealed plastic bag for three days to allow the scents to mingle. Scoop one-half cup of the mixture into the center of a pretty square handkerchief or clean cloth napkin. Gather then corners and tie it with a sky-blue ribbon. As you tie up the sachet, say:

Herbs and blossoms
bring me delight,
Sweeten my dreams
with deeper insight.

Tuck the sachet into your pillowcase. You can make a few extras for your restless friends.

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