POSTED UNDER Air, Love, Spring

Spring Creeps Softly Spell

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Daffodil

By April eve, the first stirrings of green emerge with the fairies, delighting us with tiny surprises in damp places. Periwinkle, a glossy evergreen vine, begins sprouting five-petaled flowers--lovely purple stars for the Goddess. Take a solitary walk today and notice small changes in the landscape. Breathe in the mossy scent of early spring, and see the world with fresh new vision. Look upon its small wonders with the eyes of a child. Being a Witch means more than learning to focus energy and power. It also means learning to listen, absorb, and renew through the subtle lessons in nature. So put down this book and take a walk, drinking in the wisdom of the Goddess and the Green Man.

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