POSTED UNDER Earth, Spring, Sun

New Beginnings Spell

Color of the day:  Violet
Incense of the day:  Carnation

Now is a time of new beginnings becoming visible, hope and inspiration dancing into being. Take a white and a black candle, and place them in front of you. Light them, and breathe in the glow that comes from the balance of light and dark. Speak this verse as you bask in the glow:

Wakening Earth,
Shake off your slumber
Feel the sunlight.
Kore has returned,
Spring has begun.

All is possible,
Everything awakens.
Pulses quicken,
Rivers flow,
As each and every creature knows.

Excitement fills each brook and stream,
Creatures living in a dream.
Energies bursting from the ground-
And possibility all around.

Now awakening,
My powers are strong and true.
Surrounded by new life,
New visions are coming through.

Maiden goddesses dance
To each bud's joyous opening.
I am replenished,
Like the baby chick,
I am not finished.

Like the flower bud,
My powers are opening.
I am becoming,
My creative power

The promise of life is
Spring has returned,
and we are renewed.
What I initiate now
Grows quickly,
And balance is easy.
So mote it be.
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