Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Two

1.  Number Symbolism in Tarot: Two represents duality and choices. The number two suggests pairs and combinations, as well as relationships, partnerships, and the attraction between two people. Twos also represent conversation and debate—the point and counterpoint of two opposing ideas, or the antithesis that rises up in response to almost every thesis. The nature of the number two also signifies a wide range of concepts that come in pairs: heaven and earth, male and female, active and passive, conscious and unconscious, and day and night. Written as a Roman numberal II, the number suggests a gateway or a doorway as well as female genitalia.
SOURCE:  Tarot for Writers, by Corrine Kenner

2.  On the Kabalistic Tree of Life, two is the number of Chochma, the topmost sephirah on the right-hand pillar, the second in order from the top of the Tree. Thus, two represents the universal father and the body of the Yod, the first letter of the Tetragrammaton (its upper tip is in Kether, the first Sephirah).