Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Mysteries


1.  All Life, all Existence, and the entire Cosmos are mysteries and all our science and probing are likewise speculative and pragmatic. If a theory seems supported by observation, experiment, application and practical experience—if it works!—then we assume it to be correct. (Those of us old enough remember that some of yesterday's science is often today's folklore, and some things that were once fictional speculation are among today's science.)

Resolving these mysteries is not only the endless adventure of life, but for each of us it is a path to growth and development. Mysteries will always be with us, and will always challenge us even when we think we've solved one, another will pop up. And even those previously solved will open up further mysterious dimensions. As the Cosmos is infinite, so are its mysteries, and so is the human drive to grow and understand.

AUTHOR:  Carl Llewellyn Weschcke

2.  The Ancient Mysteries were secret rituals performed by groups of initiates from the Mediterranean world in order to cause a special state of consciousness in the newly initiated recipient.

In ancient Greece, there were several groups of highly developed initiates. These groups were generally created around their interest in a particular Divine story, such as Orpheus, Demeter, Mithra, Isis, etc. These myths emphasized teachings about the after-life and personal destiny. In order to achieve an inner knowledge of these "truths," special rituals and initiations allowed the candidates to directly experiment with these teachings. After these ceremonies, personal fears regarding destiny and death were resolved (no longer traumatic) and the initiates were able to prepare for the end of their physical lives and rebirth through reincarnation (metempsychosis).

AUTHOR:  Jean-Louis de Biasi
SOURCE:  Secrets and Practices of the Freemasons, by Jean-Louis de Biasi.