Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Chesed

1.  The fourth Sephirah of the cabalistic Tree of Life, the middle Sephirah on the Pillar of Mercy. The term is a Hebrew word meaning "Mercy." It represents the archetype of the number 4, the merciful aspect of the Godhead. It corresponds to the divine name El, the archangel Tzadqiel, the angelic choir called Chashmalim, and Tzedek, or heavenly Sphere of Jupiter.
SOURCE:  Godwin's Cabalistic Encyclopedia, by David Godwin
2.  In Chokmah is the Radix of blue and thence is there a blue colour pure and primitive, and glistening with a spiritual Light which is reflected unto Chesed. And the Sphere of its Operation is called Tzedek or justice and it fashioneth the images of material things, bestowing peace and mercy; and it ruleth the sphere of the action of the planet Jupiter. And Al is the title of a God strong and mighty, ruling in Glory, Magnificence and Grace. And the Archangel of Chesed is Tzadkiel, the prince of Mercy and Beneficence, and the Name of the Order of Angels is Chashmalim Brilliant Ones, who are also called the Order of Dominions or Dominations. The Sephira Chesed is also called Gedulah or Magnificence and Glory.
SOURCE:  The Golden Dawn, by Israel Regardie

3.  The fourth sephirah on the Tree of Life, Mercy. It is also called Gedulah, Greatness. Located at the center of the Pillar of Mercy.

AUTHOR:  Carl Llewellyn Weschcke