Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

A Sense of Direction

Visualization doesn’t always manifest that dramatically, of course, and it is not solely a psychic phenomenon whose effects are accomplished through telepathy, clairvoyance, astral projection, precognition or psychokinesis. It is much more than that.

Visualization forces us to communicate with our own deepest selves. It enables us to know who we are, not who the world says we are. By relaxing, shutting out all distractions and concentrating our attention solely on ourselves, we leave nothing between us and our psyches. Whatever we draw out of our unconscious, and whatever we put back into it, is indisputably ours. The images involved in this dialogue between the conscious and unconscious minds are powerful and true; they are pure and undiluted. They are us in our most profound sense.

Moreover, the images we conjure up or experience during visualization are not forgotten or discarded as we return to normal consciousness and go about the mundane business of our lives. The images are stored in the unconscious, where they remain powerful forces. The images act on our conscious minds even when we are unaware they are doing so. This is especially true if in visualization exercises, we continue to return to them and thereby "recharge" them. As Paul
Ellsworth puts it:

Some novices have tenderfoot luck and produce genuinely miraculous results very early. Others have to work longer. But there is a cumulative effect in this kind of work. The energy builds up, as if you were charging a Leyden jar. ‘Drop by drop the pitcher fills.’ When it is full, it brims over into your miracle.

The "miracle" is accomplished because visualization causes you to focus your scattered emotional energies. It gives you a vivid image of what you want, and this image becomes a symbol of what your life is about. To bring that image into the reality of the material world, your unconscious mind uses every power at its disposal. Sometimes this power manifests as psi. More often it works by
directing your daily attitudes and activities toward the achievement of the goal you envision. Everything you are doing, whether you realize it or not, is pushing you in the direction you want to go.

Not only are you working harder and more confidently, but you are more keenly sensitive to
the most subtle events in your environment. You are tuned into coincidence, into opportunity in unlikely places, and any other circumstance that will bring your mental image into flesh-and-blood, nuts-and-bolts reality.
See also:  Creative Visualization
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